Solar Energy Impact on Tackling Climate Change

A new agreement has been signed off by world leaders regarding climate change after the United Nations conference, COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland. Many countries agreed to cut down their carbon dioxide emissions (CO₂ – a greenhouse gas) while many other nations didn’t agree to reduce their CO₂ emission fast enough to avoid the effect of climate-driven catastrophes. Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) need to reduce 45% by 2030 to limit global temperature rises within 1.5 °C. Over 100 countries agreed to stop deforestation by 2030. Another agreement was made to cut 30% of methane by 2030. (Reference: NPR News)

(Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

While COP26 made some progress but UN Secretary-General commented “It is an important step but is not enough.” Developing countries, which suffer the most from climate change, are left disappointed with promises of their plea being addressed in the future conference.

With the increasing demand for energy for basic human needs: cooking, lighting, mobility, etc. the use of fossil fuels has increased to the extreme where it causes climate crises. We are going to discuss how the use of solar energy can help the world in tackling these climate changes caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

The effects of climate change are visible around the world with the sea level rising, warming oceans, and increasing global temperature. As agreed in COP26, nations need to reduce CO₂ emissions to address the issue for our future generations. The process of energy generation from solar panels is harmless in a way that no greenhouse gases are emitted. Whereas burning of fossil fuels emits about 28% of world air pollution (source: The United States Environmental Protection Agency).

This can be reduced by investing more in solar panels for industrial, commercial, and residential buildings or even for the agricultural sector. According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1000 kWh of energy produced using solar panels reduces CO₂ emissions by more than 1,400 pounds along with 8pounds of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and 5 pounds of nitrogen oxides (NO₂).

The energy production method with solar panels is also simpler as compared to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels require drilling of wells for extraction while energy from solar panels is available all the time as long as there is sunlight. Solar panels also reduce our dependency on fossil fuels as they are non-renewable energy resources. Furthermore, investment in solar panels will last for up to 25-30 years.

Climate change is a grave issue that requires input from all sectors and nations. Tapping on the sun’s resources is no single way to resolve this problem, however, according to environmentalists switching to renewable sources of energy can help reduce the climate change problem.

The popularity of solar panels in Pakistan is breaking through the traditional sources of energy. That is the reason why the price of solar panels has also drastically reduced in Pakistan. EBR Energy has powered lives for over 13 years with solar installations and is dedicated to helping the country, eventually the world, to reduce our national CO₂ emissions. Their recent industrial projects include Interloop Limited, EMCO, Reliance Weaving Mills Limited, and a lot more. Get free quotations for all your solar power solutions. Contact us today via email or call us to discuss your needs.