Work Executed For:
PENNA Overseas Corporation.

Total Capacity:
338.2 kWp

On-Grid Solar System

Name and location:
PENNA Overseas Corporation, Sialkot, PK

338.2 kWp PENNA Overseas Corporation

PENNA Overseas has decided to go solar with EBR Energy for their factory located in Sialkot, Pakistan. We will be providing turnkey services with end-to-end solutions for the installation of their Solar Grid-Tied system, alongside the facility of net-metering, with a total capacity of 338.2. The goal of this project is to reduce PENNA’s dependence on the ever-increasing National Grid rates and to switch to a cheaper, environmentally friendly source of electricity generation through EBR Energy’s solar solutions.

EBR Energy

Reasons to Go Solar

We salute our entire team at EBR Energy