Work Executed For:
Unique Enterprises

Total Capacity:
1.27 MWp

Solar Pump

Name and location:
Solar Water Pumps 101 in Pano Akil cantt, District Sukkur.

1.27 MWp Solar-PV Pumping System at Pano Akil

1.27 MWp Solar-PV Pumping System at Pano Akil

This project with a cumulative capacity of 1.27 MWp is based on the installation of 101 solar water
pumps in Pano Aqil, Sindh. The purpose of the project is to ensure a water supply to the population in
the vicinities. EBR Energy has installed state-of-the-art Lorentz (Germany) technology pumping
equipment at all the sites to ensure the sustainability of the project for years to come.

EBR Energy

Reasons to Go Solar

We salute our entire team at EBR Energy