Work Executed For:
Unique Enterprises
Total Capacity:
1.27 MWp
Solar Pump
Name and location:
Solar Water Pumps 101 in Pano Akil cantt, District Sukkur.
1.27 MWp Solar-PV Pumping System at Pano Akil
1.27 MWp Solar-PV Pumping System at Pano Akil
This project with a cumulative capacity of 1.27 MWp is based on the installation of 101 solar water
pumps in Pano Aqil, Sindh. The purpose of the project is to ensure a water supply to the population in
the vicinities. EBR Energy has installed state-of-the-art Lorentz (Germany) technology pumping
equipment at all the sites to ensure the sustainability of the project for years to come.